
Aaron J. Radke: Typeclasses for Data Visualization
D3js patterns have been re-envisioned as typeclasses for scala to provide visual mappings for generic data types. Using types not only provides "safer" type-checked code, but can also inform important visuals encodings to remove extra boilerplate and provide simpler code.
Tongfei Chen: Towards Typesafe Deep Learning in Scala
Deep learning is predominantly done in Python, a type-unsafe language. Try changing this unfortunate fact by doing it in Scala instead! With expressive types, compile-time typechecking, and awesome DSLs, we present Nexus, a typesafe, expressive and succinct deep learning framework.
Rúnar Bjarnason: Should You Switch to Haskell?
In this quick talk, Rúnar will give an intro to Haskell, compare it to Scala, and talk about why you might use one over the other.
Seth Tisue: Scala Compiler Plugins 101
Compiler plugins — mysterious, difficult? Yet intriguing? Dark magic you're frightened, yet tempted, to wield? I'll cover what plugins can do, what existing plugins are popular, and how to write your own, based on one of several simple seed projects I'll present.
Bill Venners: Pragmatic Purity
Purely functional code is easier to reason about ... is the functional programmer's guiding mantra. But to what extent is it really easier to reason about? This short talk will look at and challenge this claim, and propose a pragmatic attitude towards purity.
Jason Liberman: PMaps: Principled and Powerful Maps
I will discuss a few of the limitations our engineers have found with Scala’s built-in immutable Map collection to represent key-value pairs. I will present a simple immutable collection (PMaps) that we built to overcome some of the problems we found and enable powerful, principled, and clean code.
Adelbert Chang: Nelson: Functional programming in system design
In this talk we will take a look at Nelson, a deployment orchestration system that applies functional programming not only in its implementation, but also in its system behavior in managing the messy world of deployment infrastructure.
Changlin Li: Moving Beyond Defensive Programming: Guidelines for Practical Correctness Through Type Signatures
I'll talk about easy, approachable rules of thumb to leverage Scala's type system to improve correctness which can be used in almost any codebase, without enough implicits to make your head (and compiler) explode.
Sam Freund: Introduction to Application Security in Scala
There are lots of threats out there, and just as many methods to combat them -- near to every developer's heart is application security, part of any layered defense against the bad guys, a field that has only recently gained traction in the Scala community. Come see how to improve your program!
Jeferson David Ossa Functional Design for Reference Architectures
During the last 5 years, I've participated in different enterprise software projects based on Scala ecosystem. All of them were greenfield projects which allowed us to try different architectural and design approaches to deliver the products being built. This is a experience report.
Daniel Spiewak Full Stack Review: Understanding a Database Implementation
Let's do some code review! Quasar is an OSS compiler and database written in purely functional Scala which implements a superset of SQL atop a JSON datastore. In this talk, we will open our editor and traverse the code from top to bottom, covering everything from query planning to bits on disk!